Concept Note
Ecocriticism began as a result of the environmental revolution that had begun around the 1960s after the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.
It focuses on the importance of the relationship between human beings
and nature, how human beings are both effecting and affecting nature and
vice versa. With time, it started to lay significant impact over
various other disciplines as well and emerged as an umbrella term in
critical, cultural and academic discourse. As an ‘earth-centered
approach’, it intersected environment and culture and calling for
collaboration between natural scientists, writers, literary critics,
anthropologists, historians, academicians and more.
In a broader perspective, ‘Ecocriticism’ guides us to examine the
world around us and critiquing the approach of society in the treatment
of nature. The theory helps in analyzing any literary or non-literary
text with an eye on nature portrayed by the author and the ecocritical
trope within it. This is a tool to address thought-provoking questions
like how is nature represented in this text? How is the setting of the
text related to the environment? How are metaphors and images used to
represent nature? How do we see issues of environmental disaster and
crises reflected in popular culture and literary works? How do the roles
or representations of men and women towards the environment differ in
plays/films/texts (literary or non-literary) down the ages? What kind of
politics is involved in ‘humanistic representation of nature’? Where is
the environment placed in ‘power hierarchy’? How is nature empowered or
oppressed in ‘humanistic representations’? What parallels can be drawn
between sufferings and oppression of groups of people (women,
minorities, immigrants, etc.) and the treatment of land? With an honest
attempt to answer these questions, we can address insightful issues
related to ‘Ecocriticism’, ‘Ecofeminism’, ‘Ecopoetics’, ‘Ecological
Imperialism’ and the like of it.
Ecologists have tried to motivate people to be sympathetic and
respectful of ‘mother- nature’. This theory has motivated writers to
initiate people against the time when the consequences of human actions
would be damaging the planet’s basic life support system. This awareness
brings in us a desire to contribute, in our own way, to environmental
restoration, not only as a hobby but as a representative of literature.
Ecocritics encourage others to think seriously about the aesthetic and
ethical dilemmas posed by the environmental crisis and about how
language and literature transmit values with profound ecological
To meet convenience for the contributors, some issues/sub-issues have been listed below. These are only suggestive and contributors are free to choose their areas of interest within this wider framework. The sub-themes are as follows:-
- Ecological Imperialism
- Women and nature: similarity and differences
- Environmental challenges and responses
- Ecopoetics
- Ecocriticism and Folklore
- Eco-consciousness in classic literature
- Deep Ecology
- Postcolonial Ecocriticism: Nature, Culture, Power.
- Ecocomposition and Rhetoric
- Eco Pedagogy and teaching
- Man, masculinity and nature
- Environmental ethics
- Nature and supernature
- Zoo theory and nature
- Animals and/in Ecocriticism
Editing requirements
- Font & size: Times New Roman 12, Spacing: 1.5 lines, Margin of 1 inch on all four sides
- Title of the paper: bold, Sentence case (Capitalize each word), centered
- Text of the paper: Justified. Font & Size: Times New Roman – 12
- References: Please follow MLA style (latest)
- Articles should be submitted as MS Word attachments only
- The length of article should be 3000-5000 words
- Any book review should be within 2000 words.
- Use endnotes, not footnotes.
Important Dates
15th January– Final Submission
31st January– Intimation of Acceptance
Authentic, scholarly and unpublished research papers are invited from
students, scholars and researchers. The book will be published with an
ISBN by a renowned publisher in the month of April 2018.
- Newnessof approach or method.
- Relevance to the theme/sub-themes.
- Clear presentation of the argument.
- Originalityof conception.
Email ID for the submission of paper:
For any further queries, contact
- Krishanu Maiti:, 9126358129
- Soumyadeep Chakraborty,, 9734662719
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