Call for Book Chapters |
Contributions are invited for chapters for an edited book titled current trends in language testing and evaluation. The manuscript aims to bring together multiple perspectives from different parts of the world where Indian languages are learned and taught as a second or foreign language. The proposed book is expected to be ready for publication by the month of July, 2018.
The submitted manuscript should address topics covering the following and other related areas:-
- Newer philosophy of language education.
- Testing of less tangible concepts - attitudes, appreciations, interests and personal-social adaptability of the students.
- Authentic assessment.
- Evaluating all round growth of language learners.
- Teaching and testing of language in lower resource classrooms.
- Use of ICT in language testing.
- Use of Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT).
- Innovations in language Testing and Evaluation.
- Formal vs. Informal Evaluation in process of language learning and teaching.
- Emphasis on qualitative assessment.
- Use of Internet for the purpose of assessment.
- Product vs. Process Evaluation.
- Testing of Hindi for pan-Indian communication (including the neighboring countries).
- Role of self-assessment in language learning.
- Specification of language use parameters for various social contexts and purposes.
- New approaches to language Testing.
- Any other relevant topic.
Guidelines for the preparation of manuscript:
Submitted manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract of about 500 words and should not exceed 5,000 words in total.
It is recommended that author should submit their short bio mentioning their current position, research interests and publications along with their manuscript.
The authors must submit an undertaking stating that submitted manuscript has not been published before or/and is not under consideration for publication, anywhere else. Authors must ensure that submitted manuscript is their own original work and is free from plagiarism in any form.
Only manuscript written in English will be accepted.
The style sheet to be adopted for referencing is the current APA format.
Manuscript submitted only in correct APA format will go through the review process.
It is suggested that submitted manuscript may broadly contain following components in relevant order:
- Purpose of the chapter
- Theoretical framework
- Methods (for empirical papers)
- References
Suggested readings
- Author(s): full name, contact details (including postal address), affiliation
Innovations in language Testing and Evaluation.
Received manuscript will go through double blind review process. The authors will have to revise/modify/improve their manuscript in accordance with the suggestions and comments made by the reviewers.
Deadline for the submission of the final manuscript is February 28, 2018. All submissions should be sent electronically to and
An author can submit only one independent or joint manuscript.
Any queries in regard to the above publication may be sent to
Contact us:
National Testing Service-India
Centre for Testing and Evaluation.
Central Institute of Indian Languages
MYSORE - 570 006
For More Details: