Call For Publications:
Sociology Today ( is a new journal dedicated to publishing socially significant, well-researched and theoretically compelling research articles and book reviews predominantly in the field of sociology.
Sociology Today extends a platform for social scientists to present socially significant, well-researched and theoretically compelling research articles and book reviews predominantly in the field of sociology. Each volume will consist of comprehensive commentary on emerging areas of sociological enquiry. Echoing the spirit of Interdisciplinarity, this Journal will not restrict itself to the disciplinary boundaries. Any works that highlight socially relevant inputs from the cutting-edge of the field, in terms of theoretical, methodological, or topical areas, will be given equal consideration. Journal will follow a rigorous double-blind peer reviewing policy.
The journal will be of interdisciplinary nature dealing with global and regional issues across the disciplines. Tentatively we have marked the following thrust areas:
- Ways of knowing
- Knowledge Production
- Deliberation, decision-making, and uncertainty management
- Boundary work
- Professional debates and credibility contests
- Contentious discourse and narratives
- Biomedical ethics
- Tension between social and biological perspectives
- Science and religion in debate
- Claims-making in social movements
- Community disputes over knowledge and values
- State legitimation of knowledge claims
- Transnational knowledge flows
- Inequality and resistance in knowledge production
- Diffusion of ideas and innovation
- Institutional supports and impediments to knowledge production
- Technological advancement and the meaning of progress
- Epistemological disputes in the social and natural sciences
- The challenges of mixed methodologies
- Objectivity versus activism in research
- Intersectionality,Migration and Urban living
- Queer perspective
- Gerontology
- Diasporic study
Special Issue: Paradox of Globalization
For the Inaugural issue we are inviting papers and book reviews on the broad topics relating to the Paradox of Globalization.
Format of the Articles:
Authors must follow the APA style.
Word Limits:
Research articles: 3000-5000 words including the Reference section. Articles beyond 5000 words will also be considered.
Book Reviews: Word-limit: 1500-3000 words
Publication Charge: Free. No charge of any kind.
Deadline for Submission: 15 December, 2017.
For more information please visit
Contact Info:
Dr. Sudeshna Mukherjee
Assistant Professor, Department of Women Studies, University of Bangalore.
Contact Email: