This is to bring to your scholarly attention that I am bringing out a book on Diaspora as Cathartic Metaphor: A Hermeneutical Approach. I cordially invite you to contribute to this book and help this work get published with your sharp critical acumen. To understand the nature of the work, you are requested to go through the synopsis given below. Without your valuable scholarship this project may remain a mere dream. If you feel interested in this venture, as I hope you are, please respond to this modest proposal as soon as possible. I positively look forward to hearing from you.
The book aims to explore, through diasporic texts, the multiple layers of cathartic experiences of refuge and migration. Migration invites a great hermeneutics, which creates and formulates shocking and surprising experiences in literature. Human mobility and migration are not a recent phenomenon. They are one of the survival strategies adopted since the dawn of human civilization throughout the history. Migration is the most important and natural phenomena leading to human progress and development. The term ‘Diaspora’ has appeared as on e of the key tropes in the modern Humanities today. It is the poetics of the displaced people across the globe. Diaspora, according to Judith Shuval, is a “social construct founded on feeling, consciousness, memory, mythology, history, meaningful narratives, group identity, longings, dreams, allegorical and virtual elements all of which play an important role in establishing a diaspora reality. At a given moment in time, the sense of connection to a homeland must be strong enough to resist forgetting, assimilating or distancing.” (Shuval 2000: 43)The process through which diasporic text comes into existence, is analogous with that of metaphor in two different ways i. e. its ‘sense’ and ‘reference’. Diaspora similarly has a referential sense of a cultural and sensical reference of the other, inside and outside both. In its making it appears to be cathartic, metaphoric and existential. One may, therefore, ask “whether the diasporic text is a cathartic metaphor of cultural and traumatic displacement of an ‘ethnic consciousness,’ ‘active associative life,’ ‘contacts with the land of origin in various forms,’ ‘real or imaginary’?”
The nature of diasporic discourse is metaphoric in nature as there is a ‘Self’ and the ‘Other’ within. The resemblance view of metaphor brings the distant near and similar in dissimilar. According to P. Raghuram and A. K. Sahoo, ‘diaspora is defined not by biographical connectivity across geographical areas or political boundaries, but is created by and through differentiation.’ He further adds that ‘[it] is the contradictory emotions, the ambivalences in the diasporic notions of belonging, their identification with and against territorial social and cultural formations.’ Diasporic text appears to be an example of composed cross-cultural, intra-cultural and inter- cultural communication. It is cathartic in the process of its production and reception in reverse. The polyphonic nature of diasporic text is always fixed in writing. Diasporic discourse has the plurality of modes and similar is the case with metaphor; diasporic text comes into existence from the encounter between sense and reference as metaphor with muthos and mimesis. It’s a fact that ‘[the] concept of ‘diaspora’ and its geographical and territorial dimensions have all been subject to various interpretations.’ (Braziel and Mannur 2003).
The concept of culture, trauma and Diaspora are now related to a ‘vast field of meaning that includes Global / Glocal processes of de-territorialization, transnational migration and cultural Hybridity.’ The book aims to throw light on the process of diasporic text through which it looks similar to the same process or consequences of the making of metaphor. The book would be an endeavor to focus on the cathartic dimensions of Diaspora as metaphor, as a new language and a new literature of home land and host land, as the symbol of continuity and change in Diasporic Community. The book may also cover the following sub themes:
- Literary Text as Cathartic Metaphor / Representations of Diasporic Identities
- Migration, Diaspora, and Diversities / Globalization and International Migration
- Transnationalism and Globalization / Diaspora and Policy Challenges
- The Indian Diaspora in Britain / USA / Diaspora and Trauma
- Politics of Migration and Policies on Diaspora with implications for Foreign and National
- Security / Diaspora and Transnationalism / Diaspora and Gender Studies
- Cultural Practices and Formation of Imaginary Homelands
- Diaspora, Culture, Identity and Narrative Identity Formation
- Diaspora Studies within the Utopic / Dystopic Tension
- New Dynamics of Diaspora Engagement / Virtual Diasporas and Knowledge Platforms
- Indian Diaspora / Virtual platform and development / Migration and Culture
- Collective memory and myth about the homeland, including its location, history and achievements / Diaspora culture, Hybridity, Creolisation
- Refugee Crisis and Forced Migration / Diaspora discussed in recent scholarly articles, novels,
- films, short stories, poetry, travelogue, popular soap operas, documentaries
- Cross / Inter / Multi-Disciplinary travels in diasporic literature, films and theory
General Instructions
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Format of the manuscript Title (The following details must be centered just beneath the title: author’s
names, affiliations, email id and telephone/ mobile no. of each authors. Abstract (200 words) with 4-5 keywords. Proper Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements (should be in a single line) and References: In text citation of references should be done using MLA 7th edition
If interested, please contact:
Dr. Mohammad Tariq (tariq faraz)
Assistant Professor of English
Coordinator Doctoral Studies & Member HRDC
Departmental Website Coordinator
Department of Languages (English)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Integral University, Lucknow India—226026 (India)
Whatsapp Numbers: +91- 8604605947. +91- 7007267681