Showing posts with label Literature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Literature. Show all posts

Monday, 6 November 2023

Call for the Participants for an Academic association for African literary studies in India

 This goes out in the public domain that if you are working or researching in India in either African literature or African diasporic literature including African American literature, this is the place for you. I want to club together academicians both teachers and Research scholars under one umbrella of this academic association. The aim of the proposed academic body will be to establish its own dedicated journal of African literature including African diasporic and African American literature in India. The association will also hold its annual conference in collaboration with Indian universities and will also organize talks and seminars along with other literary activities as decided by the office bearers time to time. If you work in the said area and are dedicated to work for the cause of promoting African Literature in India, feel free to send your expression of entrust in about 200 words including your designation, affiliation and research experience to the following email

 before 30th November 2023. 

Thursday, 2 November 2023

CALL FOR CHAPTERS The Asian Caribbean in the Caribbean Diaspora-Lexington Press



To be submitted to Lexington Press, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield, this edited collection The Asian Caribbean in the Caribbean Diaspora focuses on the historical and contemporary issues faced by Caribbean immigrants of Asian descent in the Caribbean diaspora, particularly, but not exclusively in the global north. Chapters will center and include Indo-Caribbean, Chinese-Caribbean, Javanese-Caribbean, Japanese-Caribbean, and other Asian-Caribbean immigrant groups and communities in diasporic spaces. It is of course foregrounded by the legacies of indentureship, contract labor, and later migrations to the greater Caribbean region, such as the migration of Japanese migrants to the Dominican Republic in the 1950s, to now interrogate the movement of such beyond Caribbean borders. It seeks to expand our notion of the Caribbean diaspora which is often cast in very specific ways, so as to account for the Asian as part of the Caribbean diaspora. It seeks to be both descriptive, while also countering a limited discourse on the Caribbean diaspora.


Your book chapter could contribute to one or more of the following topics as it relates to Asian-Caribbean immigrant groups and communities in the Caribbean diaspora:

  • Identity formation – race, ethnicity and racialization/racial group consciousness
  • Experiences and understandings of anti-Blackness and Blackness
  • Experiences of racism, discrimination, anti-Asian hate
  • Mixedness, and mixed-race identities
  • The politics of transnational identity and transnational attachments
  • Religion, religious practice, religious spaces and material culture
  • Cultural production
  • Language and assimilation
  • Gender, sex, and sexuality
  • Notion of homeland
  • Political behavior/practices
  • Differences between the first and second generation, widely speaking
  • Caribbeanization of diasporic spaces
  • Visibility, census, data disaggregation, cultural alienation
  • Oral histories and ethnographies
  • Literature and literary intersections

Interested contributors are hereby invited to submit their chapter proposals of between 250 and 300 words, and a brief bio of 250 words on, or before December 15, 2023 to the editor, Aleah N. Ranjitsingh:


A detailed publication schedule will be provided after negotiations with the publishers

 Submission Deadline – December 15th, 2023

Notification of selection – January 15th, 2023

Full Chapters Due – May 30th, 2024



Aleah N. Ranjitsingh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Africana Studies Department and Caribbean Studies Program, Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY)

Contact Information

Aleah N. Ranjitsingh, Ph.D. -

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Call for Publications- Translation Studies-Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies (LLIDS) Journal

Call for Publications-
Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies (LLIDS), an academic journal, invites original and unpublished research papers from scholars on the following:
Establishment of Translation Studies as an independent academic discipline in the second half of 20th century, and the subsequent burgeoning of its corpus, has apportioned debates on conceptualization of translation within western and non-western frames. These debates concern themselves with the translational praxis across different linguistic cultures which resist a monolithic understanding of the discipline of translation along with the problematic of meaning within the translated texts itself which varies significantly from one culture to another. 

At this juncture of available scholarship it is recognized that any fruitful discussion of translation addresses, if not necessarily begin with, an act of interpretation. This question of translation as interpretation itself merits scrutiny as to what is involved in a translation/interpretation, for it is only as interpretation that a particular translation limits or delimits the discursive spaces of meaning in a particular text. Focus on translation as interpretation also problematizes the location of translation itself as well as conterminous re-presentation of the source text and the target text. Moreover if translations are to be viewed as “rewritings”, as Andre Lefevere suggests, then the notions of ‘authorship’ too demand to be revisited and complexity of these notions of authorship in individualistic terms need to be played off against “community translations.”

We propose this Call for Papers for a more comprehensive view of what is called translation and its pivotal position at the cross-road of interdisciplinary studies. Please send us papers that delve on or go beyond the following themes -

  • Historical and contemporary perspectives on translation
  • Tradition of translation
  • Translation and authorship
  • Evolution of translation practices
  • Translability of texts
  • Literature in translation
  • Praxis of translation
  • Interpretation and Localization

The broad aim of Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies consists in providing a discursive space for all the researchers committed to quality work. We believe that in reaching the society at large, quality research has not only the potential to transform it, but also to redefine intellectual landscape by harnessing the synergy essential to inter-disciplinary research. With this broad aim in view, we encourage scholars from humanities, social sciences and other related disciplines to submit their research work.

Only complete papers will be considered for publication. The papers need to be submitted according to the latest guidelines of the MLA format. You are welcome to submit full papers (not less than 3500 words) along with a 150 words abstract, list of keywords, bio-note and word count on or before 20th November, 2017. Please email your submissions to -

Note - We do not solicit any fee for publication.

Contact Info: 
Nikita Goel
Contact Email: