Thursday, 2 November 2023

CALL FOR CHAPTERS The Asian Caribbean in the Caribbean Diaspora-Lexington Press



To be submitted to Lexington Press, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield, this edited collection The Asian Caribbean in the Caribbean Diaspora focuses on the historical and contemporary issues faced by Caribbean immigrants of Asian descent in the Caribbean diaspora, particularly, but not exclusively in the global north. Chapters will center and include Indo-Caribbean, Chinese-Caribbean, Javanese-Caribbean, Japanese-Caribbean, and other Asian-Caribbean immigrant groups and communities in diasporic spaces. It is of course foregrounded by the legacies of indentureship, contract labor, and later migrations to the greater Caribbean region, such as the migration of Japanese migrants to the Dominican Republic in the 1950s, to now interrogate the movement of such beyond Caribbean borders. It seeks to expand our notion of the Caribbean diaspora which is often cast in very specific ways, so as to account for the Asian as part of the Caribbean diaspora. It seeks to be both descriptive, while also countering a limited discourse on the Caribbean diaspora.


Your book chapter could contribute to one or more of the following topics as it relates to Asian-Caribbean immigrant groups and communities in the Caribbean diaspora:

  • Identity formation – race, ethnicity and racialization/racial group consciousness
  • Experiences and understandings of anti-Blackness and Blackness
  • Experiences of racism, discrimination, anti-Asian hate
  • Mixedness, and mixed-race identities
  • The politics of transnational identity and transnational attachments
  • Religion, religious practice, religious spaces and material culture
  • Cultural production
  • Language and assimilation
  • Gender, sex, and sexuality
  • Notion of homeland
  • Political behavior/practices
  • Differences between the first and second generation, widely speaking
  • Caribbeanization of diasporic spaces
  • Visibility, census, data disaggregation, cultural alienation
  • Oral histories and ethnographies
  • Literature and literary intersections

Interested contributors are hereby invited to submit their chapter proposals of between 250 and 300 words, and a brief bio of 250 words on, or before December 15, 2023 to the editor, Aleah N. Ranjitsingh:


A detailed publication schedule will be provided after negotiations with the publishers

 Submission Deadline – December 15th, 2023

Notification of selection – January 15th, 2023

Full Chapters Due – May 30th, 2024



Aleah N. Ranjitsingh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Africana Studies Department and Caribbean Studies Program, Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY)

Contact Information

Aleah N. Ranjitsingh, Ph.D. -

Friday, 14 April 2023

Publication Opportunity: Call for Chapters for an edited Open Access volume Bodies, Gender, Identities


Call for Chapters for an edited Open Access volume Bodies, Gender, Identities

Dear Colleagues,

We have just published a Call for Chapters for an edited Open Access volume Bodies, Gender, Identities, which is to appear as Vol. 3 in our newly established Olomouc Asian Studies publication series. If you are working on any issue related to the titular themes while focusing on Asian cultures and societies or their diasporic manifestations, please see the call below or via this link.


  • Publication series: Olomouc Asian Studies, Vol. III
  • Publisher: Palacký University Olomouc
  • Type of publication: Open Access (with DOI given to each chapter) & Print on Demand
  • Language of publication: English
  • Fields: Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Expected publication date: Summer 2024 (no publication fees)

The aim of this publication is to establish a dialogue between different approaches to its titular theme, Bodies, Gender, Identities, with a focus on all Asian cultures and societies as well as their diasporic manifestations. We welcome contributions that address any issue related to the theme, such as the variety of experiences of lived bodies; the governance of life; embodiment and affect; gendered experiences; gender diversity and sexualities; language and bodies/gender/identities; performance and the construction of identities; human life and the environment; social and cultural practices concerning birth and death, food, spirituality, love and intimacy, pain, etc.

We invite both synchronic and diachronic perspectives from anthropology, the arts, cultural geography, history, international relations, linguistics, literary studies, philosophy, political science, religion studies, sociology, and other fields in the humanities and social sciences. We also welcome interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary investigations. Whether grounded in a specific discipline or moving across and beyond disciplinary boundaries, we hope all contributions will display a conscious engagement with theories of embodiment, biopolitics, gender, identity, suffering, and so forth.

The volume follows up on the 16th Annual Conference on Asian Studies organized by the Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc, but is open to any thematically relevant submission. We are interested in any original work of research that has not been previously published elsewhere.

Submission procedure

In order to collect chapters for this volume, we first invite extended abstracts in English. The abstracts should be emailed to as a PDF file. The file should include the title of the paper, full name, affiliation, e-mail address, five keywords, and an extended abstract, which must be 700–1,000 words long. The abstract submission deadline is May 14, 2023. Decisions on the abstracts will be sent by June 18, 2023.

The submission deadline for full papers based on the accepted abstracts is August 31, 2023. The required length of the full papers is approximately 10–11,000 words (excluding references, tables, etc. from the word count). The papers will subsequently undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process by at least two reviewers. We estimate to be able to send out the decisions on all papers by the end of 2023. The expected publication date is summer 2024.

Any questions can be addressed to

We are looking forward to your submissions!

Contact Info: 

Halina Zawiszová

Contact Email: 

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Call for Book Chapters: "Postcoloniality, Indigenousness, and National Consciousness in Select Literature(s) and Film(s)"


Call For Book Chapters:

We invitee book-chapter proposals for a forthcoming interdisciplinary volume on the subject of "Postcoloniality, Indigenousness, and National Consciousness in Select Literature(s) and Film(s)" under the consideration of Vernon Press.


‘National consciousness’ and careful registering of so-called ‘indigenousness’ are two important features which seem to have found their easy but steady ways into novels, poetry, and numerous films produced all over the world, following the conclusion of the First World War. On the one hand, the imperialists have used them to assert and sustain their identity as colonisers; on the other, in countries of Africa and in India, these became significant postcolonial features which, in turn, led to an increased struggle to gain independence from imperialist domination. The situation seems to be little different even in the post-Second World War-world. Currently, writers and filmmakers have found completely newer means to assert their indigenousness, which include restructuring of myths and retelling of old tales of battles and struggles. These have significantly contributed to the pronounced postcoloniality of the present century.

The proposed anthology of critical writings aims to collect essays which focus on how national consciousness and expression of indigenousness have come to be regularly explored in post-1918 (a) English Literature and Films; (b) American Literature and Films; (c) Australian Literature and Films; (d) African Literatures in English and Films; and (e) Indian English writings and Indian movies.


If you are interested in contributing to the book, please submit your abstract (200-220 words), and biography (100 words, affiliation research field and 3-4 publication list) by 15th May 2022 to the book-editor Prof. (Dr.) Pinaki, with C.C. to

If you are accepted, we will ask you to consider the following publication details:

Deadline for full article: 31st August 2022
Length: 6,500 - 8,500 words including endnotes and bibliography,
Style: M.L.A.-style of citations (preferably as per the specifications of M.L.A. 6th edition)

Contact Info: Prof. (Dr.) Pinaki Roy
Contact Email:

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Call for Book Chapters: Gender Justice - Women’s Rights and Equity


Call for Book Chapters: Gender Justice - Women’s Rights and Equity

The book provides an in-depth analysis of global perspectives on advancing public and social gender policy worldwide; it also examines women’s political representation and participation in peace processes in the context of their community, emphasizing existing cultural norms with biases, questioning societal prejudices toward women, for example, in STEM and creative economies. The volume covers several domains presenting a wide range of important issues that demonstrate gender inequality, discussing a wide range of cultural and geographical realities. The collection also analyzes how female empowerment can benefit from changing the status quo and improving economic and collective action opportunities, as well as how governments could act and whether it should interfere with public policy to alter different norms and practices that hinder women’s participation and active involvement globally. Other meaningful topics that are covered in the book are the presentation of historic(al) case studies in the field of women in art, and as political leaders—while examining global gender dynamics and power hierarchies operating locally and internationally, posing challenges as well as opportunities, perpetuating gender gaps and economic stagnation. Furthermore, the book concentrates on global policy development and advancing global social justice. The contributors focus on developed country parties, upper-middle-income country parties, also analyzing less developed economies. Is economic development enough to eradicate gender inequality? By February 28, please send your CV and abstract to co-editors: Dr. Elena Shabliy and/or Dr. Dmitry Kurochkin

Topics covered in the book include:

  • Women & Business
  • Women & Creative Economies
  • Women & Peace Processes
  • Women in Sport
  • Women in STEM
  • Gender (In)Equality
  • Equality & Equity
  • Policy
  • Social Justice
  • Gender Justice


Contact Info: 

Dr. Dmitry Kurochkin, Researcher at Harvard University,

Dr. Elena Shabliy, Visiting Researcher at Boston University,

Friday, 11 February 2022

EPW Publication Call For Papers: -Revisiting Debates on Marxism and Ecology: Towards a new paradigm in Political Ecology


Revisiting Debates on Marxism and Ecology: Towards a new paradigm in Political Ecology


EPW Engage invites papers on the theme concerning debates on Marxism and Ecology. Marxian corpus on this question has remained untouched for a long time. It was only after the intervention of John Bellamy Foster in early 2000 that this debate was reinvigorated. In contemporary times this question has been framed in the light of the recent climate crisis.  Certain strands within Marxism due to an adherence to crude forms of economic determinism has somewhat ignored the pertinent question of ecology. This is despite the fact that categories or terms like economics and ecology share a common genealogy and roots.

The perceptive debate initiated by Engels in Dialectics of Nature; in which he sees the existence of nature and society as one metabolic process which exists in continuity. In other words, the processes unfolding in the social setting have a parallel in nature. This guides the course of social and natural evolution which can be explored in the light of contemporary understanding of ecology and society.  According to Marx, “capitalist production…disturbs the metabolic interaction between man and the earth, i.e. it prevents the return to the soil of its constituent elements consumed by man in the form of food and clothing; hence it hinders the operation of the eternal natural condition for the lasting fertility of the soil”. It can thus be argued that a certain sort of ecological understanding was inherent in Marx's original frame as is seen in the concept of metabolic rift and social ecology and as highlighted by Marxist naturalists like Richard Lewontin and scholars from Monthly Review School like John Bellamy Foster. Metabolic rift largely propounds the irrevocable damage inflicted on nature and agriculture by industrial capitalist development. According to Foster Marx’s “entire dialectical framework rested on what would today be called an ecological (or socioecological) systems theory, connecting the materialist conception of history to that of nature—and requiring continuing study not only of changing developments in human history, but also in natural history (which in Marx’s work took the form of extensive inquiries into geology, agronomy, chemistry, physics, biology, physiology, mathematics, and more).”

Now, the question that ensues from this discourse is that can this have a bearing on the questions germane to the Indian context like that of ecology and caste or different environmental conceptions and their link with caste and class in the Indian context? Can this Marxist discourse fundamentally deal with the complex question of caste, class and its interplay with ecology? Lastly, it would be an attempt to explore the theoretical debates and their implications on environmental policies. 


1.    Discourse on Political ecology: Understanding different paradigms on Nature/Value and Ethics. This particular sub-theme will explore different approaches to Political Ecology and the accompanying questions regarding ethics/morality and its interplay with nature.

2.  Revisiting Debates on Marxism, Ecology and Development.  This sub-theme would highlight the nuanced debates within the Marxian oeuvre, concerning ecology and its complex interaction with social and economic domains. It will specifically revisit the debate on the Marxian concept of metabolic rift.

3.   Understanding the complexities of Caste/Class and Environment. This section covers the complex interaction between castes/class dynamics and environment. It will further accentuate the common assertion of different environmentalism based on caste/class stratification.

4.    Philosophical underpinnings of Environmental Policies: Towards a New Framework. This section will explore the limitations of the contemporary environmental policy framework, especially its lack of engagement with the theoretical and philosophical debates concerning the environment.

5.  Conceptualizing Alternative Futures: Towards a Radical Ecological Democracy in India.  This sub-theme will focus on envisioning a future that radically departs from the contemporary dualistic thinking(which reifies nature and denaturalizes culture), that gets manifested in obsolete environmental policies and paradigms in India, in which the spheres of nature, social, political and economic are seen as separated from each other.

Important Information

Word limit: 2500-3500 words 

Deadline: 21st February 2022

Please refer to the submission guidelines here: 

Send your articles to with ‘EPW-Engage- Marxism and Ecology’ in the subject line.


Contact Info: 

Divya Jyoti-   +918447301470

Priyam Mathur-

Contact Email: